Visiting Lecturer from STEKOM University with Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (Ukraine) part 3
  • 29 Maret 2023
    Author : priyadi s. kom, m. kom 275 Views

    UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a method in visual modeling that is used as a means of designing object-oriented systems. Initially, UML was created by the Object Management Group with an initial version of 1.0 in January 1997.

    UML can also be defined as a standard language for system visualization, design, and documentation, or also known as a standard language for writing blueprints for software.

    UML is expected to facilitate software development (RPL) and meet all user needs effectively, completely and precisely. This includes factors of scalability, robustness, security, and so on.

    It should be noted that a good system begins with a mature design and modeling. One that you can practice, is by using UML. The purpose and function of the need for UML are as follows:

    - Can provide users with a visual or drawing modeling language of a wide variety of programming and general process engineering.
    - Bringing together the best information available in modeling.
    - Provide an overview of the model or as an expressive visual modeling language in system development.
    - Not only describing software system models, but can model object-oriented systems.
    - Make it easier for users to read a system.
    - Useful as a blueprint, obviously this will explain more detailed information in the design in the form of coding a program.

    UML can also be used as a means of transferring knowledge about application systems that will be developed from one developer to another. UML is very important for some people because UML functions as a bridge or interpreter bridge between system developers and users. This is where the user can understand the system that will be developed later. You need to know that actually UML is easy to learn, not only for developers, but also for business people.

    One example of UML is a use case diagram. Use Case Diagram is a type of UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram that describes the interaction between the system and actors. Use Case can describe the type of interaction between the system user and the system. Use Case is something that is easy to learn. The initial step for modeling is the need for a diagram that is able to describe the actor's actions with the actions in the system itself, as found in the Use Case.

    Indeed, you can make applications without designing and modeling like UML, but that doesn't feel good. It's like "vegetables without salt, it doesn't taste right". That is an expression when making an application without prior planning. The system that you create will be considered bad if it is not designed with UML in mind. UML is also widely used in large companies such as IBM, Microsoft, and so on.

    The above material was delivered by a presenter from Indonesia in an international visiting lecturer held by STEKOM University in collaboration with Universities from Ukraine. The title of the presentation is "Engineering in the Software Development Model". The name of the presenter is Migunani Hudayatullah, S.Kom., M.Kom. Mr. Migunanani is an active lecturer and head of the Information Systems study program at STEKOM University.

    This international webinar activity is part of the implementation of STEKOM University's commitment to increase various international activities. This was done in order to realize the vision to become an international-class university. Various international activities carried out by STEKOM University continue from year to year. There are international activities that are sustainable and there are also some international activities that are not sustainable. All types of international activities are accommodated and regulated by the International department of STEKOM University.
